
How to build mentality before you start looking for a job?

Dominic Jim  2019-09-03 23:42:05

It can’t be denied that searching for a job really is a life-long job in itself, and unfortunately, it doesn't mean easier as you grow older! In this economy, more and more people are settling for jobs they dislike, or flat out despise. So, your attitude, your mental state should be in a right position before you are involved in this process.

  1. 1Do not deliberately make yourself catered to the criteria that an employer is looking for. Quite the opposite, it’s a process that you are selling yourself to a potential employer – why should they pick you over other applicants?
    • 2Just think about how you can stand out from the crowd. The application process reflects what the kind of employee you are: it won't impress anyone if you just come across without digging in.
      • 3Think about what you are good at. Usually the things we love are the things we are good at. Research the fields and options that best deal with those interests so you can spend your time at work doing things that you enjoy. To begin, you can start off by simply researching job titles online or you can search for keywords of things you enjoy to find jobs that integrate those things. For example, Consider your current hobbies and how you can apply them to a job or Think about your past work experience and the things you liked and didn't like about them.
        • 4Keep confident and do not easily be defeated by failure. Remember the theory of 'survival of the fittest' in secondary school? Well, this applies to the job market too. Those who are willing to change and flexible are more likely to succeed.