
How to Seek Help for Suicidal Person?

Claire Emma  2019-09-13 01:10:06

Helping a person in their time of need may be one of the most meaningful things you can do for someone. When you see someone who is suicidal, take threats of suicide seriously and keep harmful items away from them. Just to seek for outside help, especially trained professionals who know how to handle with such situations, as well as the person's family.

  1. 1Call a crisis hotline. A crisis hotline is meant for people who are suicidal and for those helping someone who is suicidal. The people on the other side of the line are trained volunteers who can help de-escalate situations, offer help and support, and be a listening ear. If you don't know where to start, you can call a crisis hotline and ask for help. Encourage the person who is suicidal to talk to someone on the phone, as volunteers are trained to help support people in crisis. In the United States you can call a suicide hotline at 999 (in UK) or 911 (in USA).
    • 2Get medical intervention. If the person is about to cause harm to themselves or has already caused harm (such as cutting or taking pills), seek medical intervention. You can call an ambulance if the person needs immediate medical attention or if you think the person should be taken to the hospital for evaluation. If there is an immediate threat, call emergency services, such as 9-1-1 in the United States. The operator can connect you to a hospital, police station, EMT help, or other emergency service that you or the person may need.
      • 3Contact the person's family. You may choose to get the person's family involved, whether for personal, medical, or psychological reasons. Involve the family if they live nearby and can come over quickly, can offer support over the phone to their loved one, and if the person is on good terms with their family. Family can offer support to the person and may know what to do. If you think involving the person's family would be beneficial, give someone a call. For some people, family involvement may make things worse, especially if they are on bad terms with their family. Use some discretion in reasoning whether calling family would be helpful or hurtful.
        • 4Call the person's mental health professional. If the person is connected to mental health services, call their physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist. This can ensure continuity of care no matter where the person is or what treatment they are going through. It can also be reassuring for the person to know that their therapist is there and knows what's going on.
          • 5Allow them control over treatment decisions. While you may need to step in to ensure their immediate physical safety, use your best judgment to help them decide what happens next. Allow the person to make choices in their support and provide helpful suggestions of choices. If the person feels like life is out of control, it can be empowering to have a say in treatment and what happens next when moving forward. For example, say, “Would you like me to drive you to the hospital or take an ambulance? Would you like me to call your mother or your grandmother?”